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Contract classes can be configured using their config object. You'll usually want to define an abstract contract class that all your other classes will inherit from. This way you can share common configuration between many contracts with no duplication.

Accessing configuration

Use Contract.config to access configuration and set its values:

class ApplicationContract < Dry::Validation::Contract
  config.messages.default_locale = :pl

Now any class that inherits from ApplicationContract will have the same configuration:

class UserContract < ApplicationContract

# :pl

Configuration settings

You can configure following settings:

  • config.messages.top_namespace - the key in the locale files under which messages are defined, by default it's dry_validation
  • config.messages.backend - the localization backend to use. Supported values are: :yaml and :i18n
  • config.messages.load_paths - an array of files paths that are used to load messages
  • config.messages.namespace - custom messages namespace for a contract class. Use this to differentiate common messages
  • config.messages.default_locale - default I18n-compatible locale identifier


Let's say you want to configure a contract class to load messages from a custom file and use our own top_namespace. Our messages file will look like this:

# config/errors.yml
      taken: 'is already taken'

If you want your contract classes to use my_app as your own top-level namespace and pull in custom messages, use the following configuration:

class ApplicationContract < Dry::Validation::Contract
  config.messages.top_namespace = :my_app
  config.messages.load_paths << 'config/errors.yml'